“Hey Doc, my teeth are crooked. I don’t like my smile! I want straight teeth. What are my options? Part 2 – Veneers”


appleTooth Talk

“Hey Doc, my teeth are crooked. I don’t like my smile! I want straight teeth. What are my options?
Part 2 – Veneers”

Dental veneers, also called dental laminates, are a superb choice for improving the appearance of the front teeth. They are thin, custom-made, porcelain “shells” that are permanently attached to the front surfaces of the teeth, giving the teeth a face lift. Think of veneers as “false nails” for the teeth.

After the teeth are prepared, an impression is taken and sent to the laboratory to custom-made the veneers. After the veneers are completed, they are tried-in on the teeth at the dental office. After the esthetics and the fit of the veneers have been approved by the patient and the dentist, the dentist will then condition the teeth and then use bonding agents to adhere the veneers to the front surfaces of the teeth. Often, the front 6 to 10 teeth are involved in a veneer case for a good result.

Veneers are indicated for:blog img 1

  • closing diastemas (spaces between teeth)
  • restoring broken/chipped teeth
  • covering and whitening
  • stained/unsightly/poorly shaped teeth
  • correcting minor to moderate crowding

Benefits of veneers include:

  • superb esthetics as they are custom-made in the laboratory
  • resistance to stain from coffee, tea, red wine as they are highly polished in the laboratory without porosity
  • minimal to no anaesthetics is required during the teeth preparation
  • minimal to no tooth structure is removed in most cases;however, the procedure is not reversible if tooth structure is removed
  • stronger, more durable and more colour-stable than composite bonding
  • the ability to cover up dark teeth and make them white and bright.

Even though veneers are stronger than composite bonding, they can still break or fracture due to habits such as nail/pencil biting, chewing on hard foods such as carrots, ice cubes, bones, opening nutshells with your teeth etc. Also, clenching and nighttime grinding can cause damage to the veneers. Therefore, a grinding/ night guard is highly recommended to be worn during sleep to protect the veneers.

If veneers are well-cared for, they can last and look great for a long time!


Hey Doc, I’m SCARED of going to the dentist! Can you help me? (Part 1)


unnamedHey Doc, I’m SCARED of going to the dentist! Can you help me? (Part 1)

If you’re afraid of going to the dentist, you are not alone! Fear is one of the main reasons people avoid visiting the dentist. Even patients who see the dentists on a regular basis can find their visits stressful.      

Fear of dentistry can be due to:

  • Bad dental experience in the past
  • Fear of needles or pain or the sound of the drill
  • Difficulty with opening the mouth wide
  • Strong gag reflex
  • Sensitive teeth

unnamed-1Nowadays, with the availability of sedation dentistry, fear of visiting the dentist can be a thing of the past! Sedation dentistry refers to the use of pharmacological agents to calm and relax a patient prior to and during a dental appointment. The pharmacological agents, called sedatives, exert their action by depressing the central nervous system, specifically those areas concerned with “conscious awareness”.

There are different degrees of central nervous system depression, each corresponding to a level of relaxation which ranges from minimal, moderate, to deep sedation:

  1. Minimal sedation Patients have reduced anxiety but can readily respond to verbal or physical stimulation.
  2. Moderate sedation Patients are even more relaxed and will respond to purposeful stimulation.
  3. Deep sedation Patients may not exhibit any signs of consciousness and therefore be unresponsive to stimulation.

Sedation by pharmacologic methods may be obtained by 2 general routes:

  1. Enteral route- Involves absorption of medication across membranes from the oral cavity, through the digestive tract, ending in the rectum (the alimentary canal).
    – Includes medications that are either swallowed, absorbed through the lining of the oral cavity, or inserted rectally.
  2. Parenteral route Involves the administration of sedative drugs other than absorption across the membranes of the alimentary canal.
    – Includes intravenous(IV), inhalation, intramuscular (IM), submucosal, among others

Sedation dentistry has become very popular because it offers the following benefits for the patients:

  • Increased patient comfort and relaxation
  • Little or no memory of treatment (amnesia)
  • Control of gag reflex
  • Movement control
  • Decreased pain sensitivity
  • Time saving- allowing dental treatment to be accomplished in fewer visits, sometimes as little as one visit.

In the upcoming blog article, we shall discuss the different methods of providing sedation to patients who are nervous of visiting the dentist. Visit us, at http://www.drvictorsun.com.

The Victor Sun, DDS Cutest Pet Contest Winner Is…


Congratulations to Cambria and her pet Cooper, the adorable puppy of Lindsay, Ontario for being named the winner of the Victor Sun, DDS Cutest Pet Contest! Cambria won an iPad Mini courtesy of Dr. Victor Sun.

 Dr. Sun and his team chose their 1st place winner by randomly choosing out of the top 5 finalists in the contest. Check out the video below to see how Cambria and Cooper became the winners of our contest and the excitement of the Victor Sun, DDS team when she came to pick up her prize…



We would like to thank each and every participant who entered the Victor Sun, DDS Cutest Pet Contest. All of the entry photos were unique, creative, and most of all…CUTE!

Here’s Cooper!


 Stay tuned for our next contest…

Dr. Victor Sun is a family dentist with expertise in cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics and implantology. Serving Omemee, Fenelon Falls, Little Britain, Downeyville, Dunsford, Bobcaygeon, Port Perry, Perborough and surrounding communities.

Visit us at: http://www.drvictorsun.com


The Victor Sun, DDS Cutest Pet Contest!


Dr. Victor Sun, a cosmetic dentist from Lindsay, Ontario announces the launch of his “Cutest Pet” Photo Contest. Think your pet is the cutest? Show us!

How to enter:

Submit a cute photo of your pet to our Facebook contest and get your family and friends to vote for it. The five entries with the most votes become our finalists.  Dr. Sun and his team will select a winner from the finalists, who will receive:

An iPad Mini!

The contest is running on our Facebook page, but we have three additional ways to enter:

1) Visit the Victor Sun, DDS Facebook page and enter from your computer right now.

2) Email your photo to Info@drvictorsun.com

3) Enter your photo directly from your smartphone:

–On Twitter, tweet your photo with hash tag #DrSunCutestPet

–On Instagram, post your photo with hash tag #DrSunCutestPet

Don’t forget to include both your and your pet’s name!

Once you enter your photo, ask your family and friends to vote for yours. Don’t have a pet? No worries, you can enter a friend’s pet as long as you appear in the photo. Good luck!

Victor Sun, DDS proudly serves Lindsay, Cameron, Cambray, Kinmount, Kirkfield, Pontypool, Rosedale, Bethany, Woodville, Cannington, Minden, Haliburton, Oakwood, Omemee, Fenelon Falls, Little Britain, Downeyville, Dunsford, Bobcaygeon, and the surrounding communities.




Dr. Victor Sun Introduces the Diode Soft Tissue Laser


Dr. Sun and the Victor Sun, DDS team has proudly introduced The Diode Soft Tissue Laser as a treatment option to their patients. The Diode Soft Tissue Laser is a state-of-the-art dental device that has revolutionized the application of periodontal treatments by delivering a combination of increased precision, along with dramatically improved comfort for patients undergoing procedures for a wide variety of gum problems.

Reduced need for surgery = Happier patients!

The technology behind the Diode Soft Tissue Laser employs a precisely directed beam of high-energy light that effectively performs exacting incisions into sensitive gum tissue. This was once a procedure that required the intervention of specialized oral surgeons.

With this new technique, patients suffering from infected gum pockets, periodontal bleeding, and similar gingival problems, can receive relief from such conditions through the application of laser bacterial reduction right in the office of their general dental practitioner.

By eliminating the need for conventional scalpel incisions, suturing, and anesthetics, the Diode Soft Tissue Laser helps reduce patient anxiety over such invasion treatments and offers immediately available relief from the pain and discomfort associated with a host of common gum conditions.

Advantages offered by the Diode Soft Tissue Laser

Not only does this new technology allow Dr. Sun’s patients to receive less invasive treatments in the comfort and convenience of their dentist’s office, but if also delivers some definite benefits to doctor and patient alike. These include:

  • Essentially pain free treatments
  • Dramatically reduced post-operative inflammation
  • Elimination of need for injections

Dr. Victor Sun has been utilizing the Diode Soft Tissue Laser since January of 2013 as part of his effort to deliver a full range of patient centered dental services direct from his offices in Lindsay, Ontario. Patients wishing to learn more about Dr. Sun’s practice, laser tissue treatments, and the full range of services he provides, can visit his website here or by calling (705) 324-0050 to set up a appointment for an evaluation.

Victor Sun, DDS proudly serves.. Lindsay, Cameron, Cambray, Kinmount, Kirkfield, Pontypool, Rosedale, Bethany, Woodville, Cannington, Minden, Haliburton, Oakwood, Omemee, Fenelon Falls, Little Britain, Downeyville, Dunsford, Bobcaygeon, and the surrounding communities.